Thursday, April 1, 2010

My day

Today I get to look forward to schoolwork (snicker), and then a piano lesson, and then a period of waiting, in which I will most likely walk to a store and buy my dinner. At half past five I have a bell practice, and then I get the distinct pleasure of babysitting. That is ultimately my day today, and the basic form of all my Thursdays during the school year.
Right now, however, I am watching the first season of A Bit of Fry and Laurie (with bits of Stephen Fry, and bits of Hugh Laurie). I must say, British humor sometimes escapes my understanding. But when I do get it, it's absolutely hilarious.
Common American humor (such as Family Guy and South Park), however, really escapes my understanding, and frankly, I don't want to understand it. It is repulsive, grotesque, and altogether an insult to the American culture. But, to each his own, I suppose. :P

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Friends

So, I have a problem. It revolves around my two friends, Don and Liz. We all met each other about three years ago through a theater program. Last year, it got out on Facebook that Don liked Liz. So, after about three hours of the two of them chatting online, Liz said that she liked him too, and they became a couple. They've had some trouble because neither of their mothers want their little babies dating, and they live about an hour away from each other with no real means to see each other, but they managed for a good eight months with no huge mishaps.
Now, another fact that must be made known is the fact that Don is protestant, and Liz is Catholic. Now, this shouldn't make a huge difference since they're still teenagers and shouldn't be considering marriage this early, but for some reason, Don decided that he needed to break up with Liz over this (and several other hidden reasons as well, I'm sure) over spring break. So, he calls her, and attempts to break up with her, but Liz convinces him to give her another chance. They still have a relationship, but they're trying to keep things 'lighter'. That's the take that Liz has on it. However, what she doesn't realize is that she has become far too dependent on Don, going so far as to be constantly clinging to him when they do get to see each other, even if both their mothers are in the room with them. Don sees that this is a problem, and is trying to get Liz to love him less, or at least be less dependent. But none of his attempts seem to be working. So, my question to you, the internet, is this: What has made you love someone less? Did you find out that they were an idiot? Did they insult you?